Below are just a few ways in which we have been able to give back to our community thanks to our partners, donors, members, volunteers, supporters, and event participants. Thank you everyone for showing your velo! Together we can make a difference!
Tricycle Donation to Pine Ridge School
On Wednesday, March 20, 2019, Chico Velo had the pleasure of donating an adult tricycle to the Pine Ridge School special education class up in Magalia. The kiddos up there were affected by the Camp Fire and every day they travel to school through the after affects of the fire. We are so thankful we could help bring some smiles to their faces thanks to the funds raised by generous donations to the Butte Strong Bicycle Aid. For many of these kids this will be the first time they get to ride a bicycle and will be able to learn to ride while at school.
Butte Strong Bicycle Aid Giveaway
Thanks to our generous donors and local bicycle shops we were able to give out $18,000 in vouchers to be used at the local bicycle shops to purchase goods to help those affected by the Camp fire. We were also able to give out cycling apparel, a limited number of bicycles, and components to attendees who filled out applications through our Bicycle Aid.
February 3, 2019
Chico Velo's Executive Director Renee Buchan helped the Butte County Sheriff's Office with their bicycle giveaway to kiddos affected by the Camp Fire. Renee provided mechanic assistance fixing bicycles and making adjustments to ensure a proper fit for the kiddos before leaving with their new bicycle. Chico Velo also donated $10,000 in bicycle locks and components to the Sheriff's Bicycle giveaway thanks to the funds raised through our Butte Strong Bicycle Aid and the generous donations we received.
December 2018
Chico Velo donated assistance to the California Highway Patrol with their Toys for tots toy drive. This year the toy drive raised over 12,000 toys and benefited children affected by the camp fire. Chico Velo's Executive Director Renee Buchan donated 3 days of mechanic assistance, assembling and repairing bicycles and assisted during the toy drive.
August 2018
Thanks to the donations to Chico Velo's KidsPedal program and with the help of Chico Sunrise Rotary we were able to install 6 industrial bicycle pumps into 6 different schools in the Chico Unified School District. We went a little further and installed privacy slats into one of the local Junior High Schools after learning that they had a problem with bike thieves jumping the fence and stealing kids bikes.
Bike Rodeos in 2018
We held 6 Bike Rodeos in 2018 to help teach the kids in our community how to safely ride a bicycle and have fun while riding.
April 2018, Temporary Protected Bikeway
In April 2018, Chico Velo in partnership with the City of Chico will be installing a temporary protected bikeway along 3rd and 4th Street in Downtown Chico to further promote downtown Chico as a safe and accessible destination. The temporary bikeway will allow bicyclists, motorists, and pedestrians an opportunity to experience a protected bikeway through downtown Chico while offering feedback.
This feedback was used to:
- Verify no negative impact on vehicular traffic flow
- Help with future funding
- Make any necessary changes on future designs
This feedback was used to:
- Verify no negative impact on vehicular traffic flow
- Help with future funding
- Make any necessary changes on future designs