Local Routes
For visitors and new residents to Chico, here are a few of our favorite local rides. Click on the links below for detailed maps and further information.
While we are admittedly short on mountain bike rides here on the website, there are plenty of great logging and Forest Service roads within an hour's drive, if you are willing to do a little bit of research. We recommend Bodfish's books, available at most Chico bike shops (see our Resources page for more info).
Have your own favorite rides in the area? Tell us about it (inf[email protected]) and we'll post it here for others to enjoy. Happy riding!
While we are admittedly short on mountain bike rides here on the website, there are plenty of great logging and Forest Service roads within an hour's drive, if you are willing to do a little bit of research. We recommend Bodfish's books, available at most Chico bike shops (see our Resources page for more info).
Have your own favorite rides in the area? Tell us about it (inf[email protected]) and we'll post it here for others to enjoy. Happy riding!
Road: Flat
Road: Moderate Hills
Road: Serious Climbing
Mountain: Easy
Mountain: Serious/Technical
Mountain: Other Lists