Preserving and improving our bike paths, together.
The Chico Adopt-A-Path Program gives individuals, businesses, and organizations the opportunity to maintain a class I bike path of their choice. The goal is to maintain a high quality of life within our community by enhancing walking and biking trips in the City of Chico and assisting with timely recognition of needed repairs. Through collaboration and partnership, this program builds relationships between community members, the City of Chico, and Chico Velo while preserving and improving our bike paths.
We are currently looking for 3-4 new bike path adopters to join our program! If your business, club, organization or group are wanting to find ways to give back to your community, this could be the perfect opportunity! Our adopters commit to cleaning their adopted path at least twice a year. To show our thanks, we work with the City of Chico to get your group's name on a sign by your path, as well as features on our website, social media, and newsletter! If you are interested, please reach out to us at [email protected].
Interested in adopting a path? Reach out to us at [email protected] for more information!
More About the Program
We have identified 12 main bike paths that are available for adoption throughout Chico. The paths will be adopted on a first-come, first-served basis and for a minimum of one year. Our objective is to maintain bike paths and allow people easier access to them in order to encourage active commuting around our communities. What’s a Class 1 bike path? Class I bike paths, also known as shared-use or multi-use paths, are designed to accommodate both pedestrians and bicyclists, and are separated from high traffic cross streets and driveways. These paths are used for recreation as well as commuting. Class I bike paths add to a bicycle friendly community and bring value to community members by providing more desirable destinations and connections for pedestrians and bicyclists but must be cleaned and maintained for users to want to travel along them. Many of our residents and employees use the path to get to and from work and many more might, if they were more maintained.
You may be asking: If I adopt a path, what is the commitment? Do you have the ability to gather volunteers at least twice a year in order to take care of a bike path in Chico? Do you have a love for the community and act as an ambassador for the program while out as a group? Are you comfortable working outside, picking up litter and, if necessary, submitting feedback? If yes, then it sounds like you're ready to adopt a path!
Things to know: If you're interested in joining us as a partner, fill out the brief form below. We will respond as paths are identified and available for adoption. We will install signs at both ends of your designated path that display your name. Through this partnership all supplies will be provided and there will be no cost to the individuals or organizations involved other than your time commitment.